Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Outdoor Fun, and Money Savings!

i am angry about gas prices. angry. there seems to be not much i can do about that situation, except to not use so much of the fossil fuel. and for our current situation--code for: can't purchase a new "alternative fuel" vehicle for several years--that means avoiding the driving. so why don't you join me, AND get in a little (or a lot) of exercise AND have some fun with your kids all at the same time? load up your kids in your stroller or wagon, or bikes if they like, and do an errand or two that is close by. walk to a playdate, or to church. on the way let your kids explore some, and don't forget to bring a bucket or bag for all the little "treasures" they will surely find. and of course, plenty of water. on the way back, hit a park, or do a fun road game like "i spy", to break up the return trip monotony. yesterday, i got in 6 miles, 2 errands, and a fun park adventure, all without a drop of the expensive stuff polluting the air! i have to say "yeah, me!" (and my awesome hubby, too!) ok, that felt good, and so will you!


Ellen on the go said...

Way to go Christy. Dad & I have been doing the same thing. Once a week i will get into the sportscar and do all my long distance shopping. being that the back only takes a 5 minute drive before it goes ouch I can get to East side of County and do all the groceries and be home in about an hour. We will depend on Farmer's market on Sat as well as dropping all our bill payments into post office. A nice 6 -8 mile round trip. Keeps those legs in shape.

Lizzy @ The Tip Spot said...

We just got sidewalk all the way to target which is a 2 mile jaunt for us. i can't wait for the old knee to heal up so I can stroll the kiddies to it for our weekly fill up.

The Davies Family said...

great tip Christy! So thats what you meant when you were making a long trip to Target..good thinking. We have a great wagon for such escapades as well as bikes..and we live close to a fact, I walked to the Doctor monday without even reading this before hand..yeah me!