Monday, July 28, 2008

Squish Bags

Squish bags from the past

Squish bags are a favorite fast fun activity at our house. First, grab a zippy bag for your kids, second let them fill the bag with an assortment of "goo" from the fridge (we love ketchup, jell-o, grapes, mayo, mustard, jam) anything with a more liquid than solid ratio works. Then seal the bag and let your child squeeze and squish the contents into a fantastically contained mess!!! If your kid is of the strong variety, you'll probably want to double bag the bag!

This idea (like so many others!) comes from The Toddler's Busy Book.


Shaka said...

i think my kids would really like this!

The Favorite said...

This works great with making pudding! Thanks to the idea of other "fridge finds" too.