Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random Tips From Your Kindness

today i have two very helpful tips for you. well, i say me, but i really mean from two of you excellent readers out there! first up we have a food storage tip from chantel:

I just wanted to tell everyone that you can order "cannery" stuff from the lds distribution center online and they ship it to your house free... Yup I said FREE. We just ordered a case of Red Wheat for 30.50 and that is all they charge. A case is 6 large ( i think #10) cans. Five different kits are now available: Wheat, Pinto Beans, Quick Oats, White Rice, and the Starter Kit.

it can be difficult to track down bulk food storage and i am very grateful for this tip! thanks chantel!!

now for those of you who are prepping for halloween, how about saving 20%? sounds great, right? kristen sent us a link to the grandinroad store, filled with excellent costumes, and lots of other halloween-y stuff. Use coupon code XXM93476. i know i have to be all dolled up for a party this year and they happen to have the costume i have been eyeing... and saving some cash is good incentive to purchase a fancy costume! great tip kristen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We started our food storage using the starter kit. Another place to look is shelf reliance. They have food you can purchase and really great shelves. We have two of them.